
Prepare before manually deploy your Garden

Clone the Gardens repo:

git clone
cd gardens

Install dependencies:


Go to the hardhat package:

cd packages/hardhat

Compile contracts:

yarn compile

Create a .env file with the configuration of your wallet and Ethereum node for the network you are interacting with. In the repo, you will find a .env.example.

In case you want to use a hardware wallet we recommend using the Frame wallet. Remember to run the script with the frame the network defined in the hardhat.config.ts file.

The account used to create the garden must contain the necessary amount of Honey to lock in a Honeyswap pair, at least $100 worth, specified in the parameters below. If creating a Native Token Garden with a token GDN, the Honey will be locked in the HNY/GDN pair. If creating a Pre-existing Token Garden with a token OGT, some of the community existing token OGT must also be available in the account, specified in the parameters below, and this will be locked in the HNY/OGT pair. The LP tokens for this liquidity are burnt.

If you would like to test on Rinkeby, use the HNYT token. You can exchange it on Uniswap for the Rinkeby network.

Configure Garden Parameters

The Garden parameters are configured in a file with the name params-<garden-type>.json where <garden-type> is the type of Garden you will create.

Let's unpack the configuration options.

Type Of Garden

First, you have to decide which type of Garden is the best fit for you.

If you decide to deploy a Veneto Garden you have to set:

  • Existing token: must be the zero address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

  • Garden token name: the name of the new token that will be created.

  • Garden token symbol: the symbol of the new token that will be created.

  • Seeds: a list of addresses that will be minted the specified amount of tokens.

  • Common pool amount: the number of tokens that will be minted to the common pool.

  • Honey token liquidity in xDai: the honey deposit quantified in terms of xdai - must be at least 100 or the garden creation will revert.

  • Garden token liquidity: the initial number of tokens that will be used to create a pair in Honeyswap with HNY.

If you decide to deploy a Boboli Garden you have to set:

  • Existing token: must be the address of the community's current ERC20 token.

  • Garden token name: the name of the new token received when wrapping the existent. We recommend following the convention: Existing Token Name -> Garden Token Name eg Honey -> Garden Honey

  • Garden token symbol: the symbol of the new token received when wrapping the existing token. We recommend following the convention: TKN -> gTKN.

  • Existing token liquidity: the initial number of tokens that will be used to create a pair in Honeyswap with $100 worth of HNY.

Community Covenant

As we explain in the three pillars, the Covenant will be one of the pillars of your community. Take your time to encode your community's values in it. Once you have it ready you should upload it with a markdown format to the IPFS network. We recommend using a pinning service like Pinata to keep the content pinned and accessible.

Here are a couple of examples:

Next, you can fill in the next parameters:

  • Agreement title: A title for the Covenant.

  • Agreement content: IPFS hash uploaded of the Covenant content, with the format ipfs:<hash>.

Aragon Apps Initialization

The rest of the parameters are the initial configuration for the Dynamic Issuance, Conviction Voting, Agreements, and Disputable Voting Aragon apps. We recommend leaving the default configuration in most cases. To discuss this topic in more detail reach out to us on Discord.

  "issuanceTargetRatio": 0.3,
  "issuanceThrottle": 0.1,
  "convictionGrowthHours": 48,
  "spendingLimit": 0.1,
  "minimumConviction": 0.025,
  "minActiveStakePercentage": 0.2,
  "requestToken": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "agreementTitle": "1Hive Community Covenant",
  "agreementContent": "ipfs:QmfWppqC55Xc7PU48vei2XvVAuH76z2rNFF7JMUhjVM5xV",
  "settlementPeriod": 3,
  "proposalDeposit": 0.1,
  "challengeDeposit": 0.1,
  "proposalDepositStable": 100,
  "challengeDepositStable": 100,
  "voteSupportRequired": 0.5,
  "voteMinAcceptanceQuorum": 0.1,
  "voteDurationDays": 0.002083334,
  "delegatedVotingPeriodDays": 0.00138889,
  "voteQuietEndingPeriodDays": 0.000694445,
  "voteQuietEndingExtensionDays": 0.00068288,
  "voteExecutionDelayDays": 0.000694445

For more detailed explanations of these parameters see here.

Last updated