Support a Proposal

The longer you stake your tokens on a proposal, the more support it accrues

If you are a member of a Boboli Garden, please make sure you have wrapped a portion of your tokens. You won't be able to use unwrapped tokens to support proposals.

Supporting a proposal is equivalent to staking your token on that proposal. It provides a way to signal the strength of your conviction -- the more you use to support, and the longer you support a proposal for, the greater the conviction.

If and when enough conviction has accumulated, the proposal will pass, and the appropriate funds will be released from the Common Pool.

Review the Proposal's attached link (which should point to a relevant post in your community's forum) to gain a better understanding of what is being proposed.

Conviction voting: finer details

Conviction Voting allows proposals to be created and considered continuously and simultaneously.

Community members can signal their preferences for the proposals they support, however once tokens are used to support a proposal they cannot be used to support another proposal at the same time.

When you start supporting a proposal, the support (called conviction) does not immediately apply, but instead must charge up over time according to a logarithmic growth function or half-life.

For Funding Proposals, there is an execution threshold that is determined based on the proportion of funds requested, relative to the funds available in the Common Pool. The greater the proportion, the greater the threshold required.

For a deeper dive on Conviction Voting, check out this cadCAD model exploring the mechanism.

The Conviction Voting implementation has been developed in collaboration with Aragon, Commons Stack, and Block Science and is the main way in which the 1Hive community distributes its funds.

Last updated