Talks and Videos

Gardens: fulfilling the promise of effective on-chain governance (ETHCC talk)

  • Date: May 2021

  • With: Luke Duncan and Curly Bracket Effect

In this episode, we take a look at how to build a DAO through Luke's experience of being involved with 1Hive. We cover DAOs from philosophy to construction to launch and then upgrades. At the time of recording, 1Hive was about to enact a major upgrade that was vetted, voted on, and approved by the community. So we dig into what that means for the DAO moving forward, and what ingredients were required in order to make it happen

  • Date: May 2021

  • With: Luke Duncan and Curly Bracket Effect

In this episode, we dig deeper into aspects of the 1Hive DAO. We start off with the new farming mechanism the Tulip Swarm has been working on. We then go on to imagine what 1Hive might look like as layer 2 solutions become more feasible. We discuss how important memes are in building community and the ways Honey finds its way into the hands of dedicated community members. We also sprinkle in some questions from the audience.

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