Celeste Manifest

The Celeste manifest is not directly integrated with Celeste. In combination with the Disputable base contract however it represents a good standard on how to implement access control for evidence submission. The manifest implements a simple representative system: users can set addresses which are allowed to submit evidence on their behalf in any compatible disputes where they are the challenger / defendant. This is similar to how a lawyer will argue on your behalf in a court of law. The idea behind this is that in the future one may engage actual lawyer like professionals who will argue your case in a Celeste dispute.

By default no one can arbitrarily set anyone else as their representative. The potential representative must first enable clients by using the allowRepresentation method on the manifest.

If you use the Disputable base class you'll by default be using the manifest and will not have to worry about integrating with it. Regardless the manifest itself is documented here to help with integrations, whether it be on the frontend side or via custom smart contract integrations.

ArbitratorManifest API




  • address _disputeManager: the address of the disputeManager instance.

Properties and Getters

disputeManager() -> (address)

Return values:

  • address disputeManager_: The address of the Dispute Manager that the Manifest uses to verify which address is the subject of a certain dispute


setPartiesOf(uint256, address, address) -> ()


  • uint256 _disputeId: dispute for which to set defendant and challenger

  • address _defendant: address to be registered as defendant of dispute

  • address _challenger: address to be registered as challenger of the dispute

Emitted events:

  • PartiesSet(uint256 indexed disputeId, address indexed defendant, address indexed challenger): emitted with method parameters if the method successfully runs

General function

Registers _defendant and _challenger for the dispute. Reverts if the caller is not the subject of the dispute, this prevents arbitrary addresses from overriding the defendant and challenger.

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